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Our story began when our family was gifted two beautiful horses. As a family, we began to ride more and more. We found the hobby of horse back riding very expensive, especially when we added two more horses to the farm. When we started to ride more trails, our horses had wanted to drift to the sides of the trails. The ground was always softer there and their hoofs wouldn't be as sore after rides. When we finally got our horses shoed, and at that time we found out how much more expensive the hobby had become. This had become somewhat of a troubling task to keep up with. KMJ wanted to help not only our family, but the rest of the horse community cut down on what is being paid for on horse shoes, horse shoeing supplies, and other horse related products.

     KMJ was started to allow the horse community to get lower prices on most products used for horses. We understand horses are a very expensive hobby, so our family stepped in to make sure your family doesn't have to stress over outrageously overpriced horse items.

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